Style, personality and practicality.
Assembly DIY Kit for decorative gabions. Set in two rectangular formats and a circular form. The pack is made up of the needed mesh for the gabion’s assembly, the required joints and the struts used as reinforcing inside the structure. Every pack comes with detailed operating instructions to facilitate the application.
Interior and exterior slope containment walls, ambience separation, fences, delimitation in the form of protective blocks, wall cladding, decoration and landscaping, etc.
Interior and exterior slope containment walls, ambience separation, fences, delimitation in the form of protective blocks, wall cladding, decoration and landscaping, etc.
As an alternative to the range cube “decorative” and “containment” gabions, to be used at less accessible sites where it’s needed the assembly on site. The stone filling not included as part of the kit, being recommended use a size over 50 mm to avoid losses (as Decorative Boulders).